For energy and commodities traders who want to handle OTC post-trade operations faster than ever before.

Fully automate any step of your OTC post-trade lifecycle, free-up working capital, employ risk-limit utilization mechanisms — Fidectus' Global Energy Network (GEN) increases your efficiency and improves profitability.
GEN has 3 unique OTC post-trading hubs that are here to improve, unify, and automate your:
Fidectus Global Energy Network
Our Global Energy Network (GEN) is a powerful unified gateway that simplifies and automates key aspects of energy trading. From trade confirmation matching to regulatory reporting (REMIT & EMIR), settlements, and nettings, GEN seamlessly connects all commodities, distribution channels (PDF, electronic, and interoperability), and market participants.
Watch to learn how GEN can transform your trading operations
✔ Reduced time to confirm and settle: No matter how many settlement or confirmation workflows you have, no matter the type of electronic or manual process your conterparties have — with Fidectus hubs you reach all of them in a single automated way.
✔ Increased trading performance: Earlier and later payments. Reduced risk, improved margining, and limit utilization — all within existing contractual terms.
✔ Enhanced decision-making: Get data insights via informative dashboards.
A comprehensive visual summary of your workflows is accessible in one place.
Customize to show the exact KPIs, illustrations, and document updates that you need.

"The Fidectus GEN helps us to further automize our post-trade process, while also laying the foundation for future benefits such as multilateral netting and predictive financial analyses.”
"Mercuria is excited to be a participant of the Fidectus platform for electronic Confirmation matching.
Mercuria’s business continues to grow, and as such we continually seek to utilize technology platforms that are efficient, controls based, secure, economical, and scalable. The Fidectus platform fits those needs, and we look forward to working with them on other initiatives that aim to improve how business is done."
“Fidectus solution as well as experience was of great support for us when moving from a manual wholesale energy settlement process to a fully digital and automated one.”
"Fidectus' solution facilitates our trade processing enormously and fits into our digitization efforts. The solution saves us a lot of time and money and works with all our business partners. It doesn't matter whether they have already switched to electronic billing or are still using paper, email, and PDF."